محاسبهگر NPV (مجموع ارزش فعلی)
برای جریان نقدی پروژه و ارزیابی اقتصادیبودن آن
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def calculate_npv(cashflows, discount_rate, initial_investment):
npv = -initial_investment # Deduct initial investment from NPV
discounted_cashflows = []
for i, cashflow in enumerate(cashflows):
discounted_cashflow = cashflow / ((1 + discount_rate) ** (i+1))
npv += discounted_cashflow
return npv, discounted_cashflows
def plot_cashflows(cashflows):
x = np.arange(1, len(cashflows)+1)
plt.bar(x, cashflows)
plt.title('Cashflows Over Time')
# Get inputs from user
recovery_period = int(input("Enter recovery period (in years): "))
sales = []
expenses = []
for i in range(recovery_period):
sales.append(float(input(f"Enter sales amount for year {i+1}: ")))
expenses.append(float(input(f"Enter expenses amount for year {i+1}: ")))
tax_rate = float(input("Enter tax rate: "))
initial_investment = float(input("Enter initial investment: "))
cashflows = [(1 - tax_rate) * (s - e) + tax_rate * (initial_investment / recovery_period) for s, e in zip(sales, expenses)]
discount_rate = float(input("Enter discount rate: "))
# Calculate NPV
npv, discounted_cashflows = calculate_npv(cashflows, discount_rate, initial_investment)
# Print results
print("Financial Analysis Results:")
print(f"Net Present Value (NPV): {int(npv)}") # Round NPV to integer
# Interpretations for the project manager
print("Interpretation and Recommendations:")
if npv > 0:
print("The Net Present Value (NPV) of the project is positive, indicating that the project is expected to generate a positive return on investment. This suggests that the project has the potential for profitability.")
print("The Net Present Value (NPV) of the project is negative, indicating that the project may not generate a positive return on investment. Further evaluation and analysis are recommended to assess the viability of the project.")
# Plot cash flows